
News Flash Friday– August 2018

It’s that time again for a  short, sweet, sassy, informative, and fun way to keep you up to date with everything that is going on at mellBella Photography.

mellbella photography information

Come say hi!

Please join us at Charleston Wedding Festivals Bridal Show on Sunday, September 9th at the North Charleston Convention Center. Drop in from Noon to 4PM. Tickets are $10 at the door or $8 online. It’s a great way to meet vendors, get ideas, and help with wedding planning. You will even meet Mell Bell and Wanda,  our expert boudoir & pinup photographers.  We will have a special ONLY available to those ladies who visit our booth, and there you can register for a chance to win a FREE photo session with us, including professional hair and makeup! ALL Ladies 21 and up are eligible to participate. We’ll help you create the Best. Gift. Ever! Can’t wait to see you there!


She's My Hero Project

She’s My Hero Calendar Launch Party

It’s time to celebrate! Get your tickets NOW for our BIG event to raise funds and awareness for the Center for Women.   The She’s My Hero Calendar will be revealed at the Launch Party on Wednesday, October 10th from 6-9pm at Boone Hall Plantation. For updates, information, and  tickets visit our Facebook event page. We are still looking for sponsors for the big calendar reveal and silent auction donations. Contact us to be a part of the She’s My Hero Project.


mellBella is constantly evolving and working to become better artists, photographers, and community members. We started in 2010 by doing a few boudoir sessions under our brother company, Richard Bell Photography.  We decided to form our own feminine brand and launched  mellBella Photography in January 2011. Since then we’ve moved locations, added space & sets, photographed hundreds of women,  partnered and supported local businesses and non profits, and so much more. This year, we even drastically changed our hair from the above photo… Wanda cut it all off  and went super short and funky. But Mell Bell changed from blue to purply pink or “aggressive fuchsia.”

Even though some things change, our goal is still the same. To coach and cheer on our clients on a journey from from self conscious to confident, from embarrassed to empowered. To create art specifically for the eyes of only a few people. To fight pornography with images that celebrate and honor the subject.





mell bell and wanda News flash friday faces

News Flash Friday– July 2018

The mellBella team is always up to something, which can make it hard to keep track. Welcome to News Flash Friday… a short, sweet, sassy, informative, and fun way to keep you up to date.

wedding show booth mellbella

We want to meet you!

This Sunday, July 29th from 12-4pm… come see us at The Charleston Bridal Show at the Gaillard downtown. It’s a great way to meet vendors, get ideas, and help with wedding planning. BUT even better… we have a BIG Announcement, a chance to win a FREE photoshoot with us, and a special ONLY available for those ladies who visit our booth. For this show, our booth will be teals, black, silvers, and grays. Hope to see you there!

She's My Hero Project

We need your help!

The She’s My Hero Project continues… we need your help. We are still looking for sponsors for the big calendar reveal and silent auction donations for this fundraiser for the Center for Women. Contact us ASAP to get involved. We’re having the calendar launch party on October 10th at Boone Hall. More details coming soon. Share the love, and help us raise more funds for Charleston Area women to learn, thrive, and succeed.


mellbella boudoir couch in moody light

What are you waiting for?

Saturday and Sunday, August 18 & 19th at the mellBella Studio, we are hosting our annual summer boudoir marathon Turn Up the Heat.  Whether you’re a bride and want to give your future spouse something they’ll never forget. Or maybe you have a birthday or anniversary that you want to celebrate with something they would never expect. Maybe you just want to celebrate your age, strength, your survival, your femininity, or reaching your goals. OR maybe because you take care of everyone else, you need to something for you. Check out available times and reserve your session at: Turn Up the Heat 2018

mellbella prima bella ladies only

mellBella Fun Fact

We love our Bellas (our clients), and we created a special group called the Prima Bellas just for the ladies. Through our work and this group, we want to chat with, get to know, and share with ladies who are interested in The mellBella Experience. The mellBella Experience goes beyond a regular photo shoot and brings it to the next level of classy, beautiful, and creative photography. Plus, we have super fun monthly giveaways and at least 4 chances a year to win a FREE photo shoot with us. Here’s how you join:

  • Sign up for our Prima Bella newsletter by texting PRIMABELLA to 22828.
  • Request access to our Private Facebook Group: mellBella Prima Bellas














she's my hero jessica

She’s My Hero- Jessica

When we decided we wanted to do a big fundraiser for the Center for Women, we had no idea what we wanted to do. We wanted to honor women. We wanted to support women. And we wanted to do something nice for women who do so much for others by honoring them in a calendar through the She’s My Hero Contest. We asked for submissions, and we had a really, really tough time narrowing it down to 10 women. One of those women was Jessica Kirby. When we read her story and her love of raising the spirits of hospitalized children, we knew she was special.

Here is a small selection Jessica wrote to us:
“I also enjoy volunteering at local hospitals and shelters for the kids as Wonder Woman. It’s amazing when I visited the kids at the hospital and how much they even loved Wonder Woman and that made me feel like a super hero.”
Tragically,  Jessica was killed on Sunday night in a vehicle collision. We are absolutely heartbroken over the loss of our Pinup Wonder Woman. Jessica, thank you for your desire and actions to make the world a better place. You will not be forgotten by those who’s lives you touched. You truly were a Wonder Woman!