Entries by Mell Bell

She’s My Hero- July

As we welcome fall 2018, say hello to July 2019 for the She’s My Hero Calendar.  Meet Suzanne. Suzanne is a 35 year old wife and mother. She has two son’s age 11 and 18. As a military spouse, she’s moved around the country. Her family moved to Charleston in 2016. She found the Lowcountry […]

She’s My Hero- June

We’re now halfway through the She’s My Hero Calendar with June. Meet Erin. She is a wife, mother of three children and an engineer! Erin is an incredibly intelligent woman, yet she’s completely down to earth, humble, and as easy going as can be. She grew up on a farm in Canada and loves horses. […]

She’s My Hero- May

It’s time to meet Tiffany who is representing May in our She’s My Hero Calendar. Tiffany is a 34 year old, hardworking, independent, single mom of two sweet sons! She is also a full time RN who works really hard taking care of others. Tiffany is determined to raise her boys to become incredible people. […]

She’s My Hero- April

Oh hello, April! Meet Tiffany who is representing April in our She’s My Hero Calendar.  Tiffany is one STRONG woman, and she works as a truck driver! This girl certainly holds her own in a mostly male dominated field. You can see her strength and confidence the moment you meet her! We love passionate personality […]

She’s My Hero-March

It’s time to meet the She’s My Hero representative for March with  special thanks to Vanity Salon for styling Jenifer as her hero. Jenifer is one busy lady! She is a LPN full time for dialysis patients and is in school full time to become a RN. Jennifer loves spending time with her husband on […]

She’s My Hero- February

As we gear up for our She’s My Hero Project fundraiser for the Center for Women, we will be posting here a few times a week to introduce you to our She’s My Hero Contest Winners who will be in the calendar. A huge thank you to Vanity Salon for styling her hair and makeup for […]